"Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised."
Proverbs 31:30

When we study the Bible together, God promises to reveal Himself, to teach us how to obey Him, and to show us how to love one another. When we are changed to become more like Jesus, our family, workplaces and communities will be eternally impacted. EMCC provides a rich array of women-centered resources to "Empower You Completely". From classes to small groups to self-enrichment resources, to weekly Bible Study, we strive to make your Christian experience fulfilling and complete.
Ladies Paint Party 2023
FLO Holiday Fellowship 2023
Ladies Vision Board Party 2023
The EMCC Women's Ministry is a community of women within Empowerment Ministries Christian Center that focuses on the spiritual growth, support, and empowerment of women. This ministry provides a wide range of activities and resources tailored to the specific needs and interests of women, such as Bible studies, prayer groups, retreats, conferences, and service projects.
It further aims to create a safe and nurturing environment where women can deepen their faith, build meaningful relationships with other women, and address the unique challenges they face in their lives and emphasizes the importance of women's roles within the family, the church, and society, and seek to empower women to live out their faith in all areas of their lives.
Women's Small-Group Bible Study
Empowerment Ministries Christian Center is committed to "Empowering You Completely". Our church offers bible-based classes and small groups on a regular basis that are designed to enrich your Christian experience and help you collectively grasp an understanding of God through His Word and apply His Word to your life.